Well now that everyone in our house is feeling better maybe I should share what was wrong. I worked New Years day and the following weekend at my work and all the residents at the assisted living were under quarantine due to having the flu...lucky me. This meant for the staff wearing gloves and masks in every ones rooms which was not them most enjoyable thing for me. Sunday night I started to not feel well along with 2 of my coworkers. I was sick from Sunday night through Tuesday night with what I thought was the flu. I then got a phone call from my work saying some test results were back and we really had the NORO VIRUS!!! I was not happy about that at all and if you don't know what it is you should look it up because I don't want to go in to details about it, it is really gross. But after 72+ hours of rest and Gatorade I am now feeling better and back to normal.
As for the 4 legged family members when I got back to my parents house we found that there was something wrong with Quip. We called the vet and they said that it was an emergency that we bring him in so I did and after staying there for the whole day we found out that he has bladder crystals which means that he is now on a special diet for the rest of his life. He is now back to his normal self, playing and then sleeping and watching the birds. Lucky for us he likes his new diet and Daisy even enjoys it but we are trying to keep her on her old diet as to she is so little as it is.
And Greg and Daisy have stayed healthy but I have decided that they are next!! Just Kidding!! I hope everyone stays healthy for the rest of the year as we have not started 2009 with a positive note.